
Global Breeders Online Directory with a vision to your original vision or inspiration.

About us

“Global Breeders Directory Online”

~ Pride ‘n Passion United ~


To establish an exclusive animal breeders online directory created to unite breeders. Our mission is centered on promoting responsible breeding practices, preserving genetic diversity, and facilitating connections within the breeding community. The directory should aim to support breeders in enhancing animal welfare, acquiring competitive breeding knowledge towards ensuring sustainability with their pride bloodlines and creations.Above all, to freely showcase breeders pride and unique bloodlines taking away any worries of post restrictions as indeed,this is the right arena for passioniate breeders. Global Breeders directory is determined to deliver directive promotional value to everyone listed in this Online directory.


The vision for creating an animal breeders directory is rooted from uncertain unfair freedom felt by many having unequal chance to showcase our pride breeds and creations on some online platforms.Sad reality,years of building friends,friendship and community comes to waste as massive community forum walls were being taken down due to post restrictions, community guidelines offenses as it is clear,animal breeders belonged there to socialize but maybe our pride breeds are not so freely allowed to be showcased. Global Breeders Directory is the right place for us! As we envisions to bring value in responsible breeding practices, enhancing transparency in the industry, and ultimately improving the well-being of all breeders by connecting them to reputable experts and mentors. We believe that enthusiast,breeders,animal care professionals and animal product manufacturers must be united conveniently using technology. We must set aside our pride and ego as passionate breeders and must stay united instead enjoying our breeding, passion and happiness.

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